Innovate Corp requires its employees, officers and directors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the United States and the countries where Innovate Corp conducts business. Violation of domestic or foreign laws and regulations may subject an individual, as well as Innovate Corp, to civil and/or criminal penalties. To assure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, Innovate Corp. has established various policies and procedures, including those referred to in Innovate Corp’s Code of Conduct. Employees, officers, and directors have an obligation to comply with these policies and procedures and to promptly alert a supervisor or the Chief Legal Officer of any deviation from them.
Innovate Corp has contracted Navex Global, a confidential and secure third party system, to facilitate Whistleblower reporting.
To file a complaint, individuals may choose any one of the following reporting options:
The Compliance Hotline
Available 24×7, 365 days a year
Managed by Navex Global
Reports may be taken on an anonymous basis
By Phone:
Toll Free (+1-844-995-4890)
The Audit Committee
Regular mail marked “Confidential”
Innovate Corp.
Attn: Audit Committee Chairman
295 Madison Avenue 12th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Compliance Department
Email to:
Any employee or director who in good faith brings information regarding a violation (or potential violation) of laws, rules, regulations or this Code to the attention of any of his or her supervisors, the Chief Legal Officer or Innovate Corp’s Audit Committee (or any other director or officer) shall not be disadvantaged or discriminated against in any term or condition of his or her employment (including the opportunity for promotion) or otherwise retaliated against by reason of the employee taking such action.